
Net Worth Announcement

Hi all! I have been working on this blog quite a bit these last months and I’ve decided some of my goals.

I plan to post about concrete numbers on Tuesdays, whether that be a mortgage update, information on my budget, or how much I spent on a vacation.
Then, on Thursdays, I will share more personally introspective posts that ask questions and explain the whys of what I do in terms of money.  I wanted to share that info in case you prefer one type of post over the other, and to simply give you a preview. Enjoy!

Today, I want to share one number I’ve been debating sharing for a while. I truly appreciate when others share theirs because it helps me make decisions and understand what it may take to reach financial independence, so here you go:
Here’s my net worth as figured by Personal Capital (not an affiliate). Once I saw that round number, I had to take a screen shot.
Net worth 3-16-18
The assets include my house, 401K, and cash. I didn’t put my car into the mix since I plan to drive it until it is worth $0. The liabilities does not include the student loan debt; it’s just the mortgage since I have no other loans or debt.




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