
Fall 2024 Semester // Weeks 2 & 3

Now that I am finished with week 3 of the semester, I can look back and say it has been a rough re-entry to school. I’m grateful to also be able to say things are leveling out.

I added a small project to my English classes during weeks 1 and 2 and that threw me off of my regular semester plan. I wanted to make this change because a colleague and I are collaborating on it, but it was still tough. Add in that I was struggling to work more than 5-6 hours a day, and I was having a hard time.

We are finishing up week 3 of the semester and things are getting better. I have been able to work at least 6 hours a day and some more time on weekends. I have handled a few student issues and those are over for now. My students are done with that small project, and something that has likely helped more than I can say is that the weather has been gorgeous this week.

The first week of classes was pretty nice—70’s-80’s and sunny. Week 2 got pretty hot with temperatures in the upper 80’s and lower-mid 90’s. This week we have been back to the 70’s and 80’s. I love being able to open up the house when I get home.

Having a day off for Labor Day this past Monday probably helped as well.

Oh, I almost forgot. There are 3 self-help experiences I had that have also helped.  

I’ve been receiving acupuncture treatments this summer and I’ve been pretty surprised by how well they seem to be working. I don’t know much about how acupuncture works, and what I am working on with the acupuncturist is what I am working on at home, so I can’t separate the two. That is A-ok, though, because going to acupuncture helps me keep in mind my overall life goal of having more flow in life. In short, the acupuncturist gave me a treatment to help me transition back to school and the following week, I had some relief.

That same weekend, I met with a friend for an “empathy” session. We use Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent communication to reflect one another’s thoughts to them. I realize I had been telling myself I wouldn’t survive this school year, or saying to myself, “I don’t know how I am going to survive this.” When hearing this reflected back, I realized I am not worried about surviving the year. I don’t really think I am going to die this year. Rather, I am afraid of having the consequences I have when I feel overwhelmed. Those consequences can be weight gain, negative thoughts, depression, exhaustion.

Sure, I still don’t really want these negative consequences, but I can deal with those now that I know that is what my fear is about. This conversation lifted a great burden from me.

Third, my therapist helped me see that I am taking things at work very seriously, which is typical. I was telling her about how frustrated I was getting when I couldn’t help students with some technology they were to use and how I struggled to pull up their presentations on computer. To me, it’s embarrassing and I don’t want students to have to wait for me when we could be moving on. My therapist helped me see that this one incident is small compared to what I do for students all semester long. I provide the best experience I can in my classes and I get a lot of good feedback on that. I can focus on the broader view and not get stuck in the details.

Looking back at these 3 strategies, I realize I do a lot of self-help, and I seek out help. I can be proud of myself for that, and I can put that energy into having better weeks at work.

This weekend and next week, I’d like to get ahead with planning. I’d like to get the next unit or 2 set up so I can plan a week’s vacation mid-semester. The longest stretch of school without a break is Labor Day to Thanksgiving and since the US has Thanksgiving late in November (instead of those smart Canadians who do it in October), it’s a slog.

I’m going to find a time in between the Labor Day and Thanksgiving to try to keep my energy up. Students will get a week off of my classes, so I want to find a time that a week off makes the most sense for them and their work too. Planning ahead will get me there, and knowing when my vacation is will also lift my spirits.

Peace Out (and in),





  • Margo


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