
Sweet Vacation Alabama originally published 3-11-16

On Tuesday of this week, my husband and I drove down to Northern Alabama to visit his mom and step-dad. The weather has been getting warmer here in Central Illinois, but, man, the weather was perfect in Alabama.  We got there around 4:30 pm and it was probably around 70-75 degrees out.  Sa—weet!

Our first full day in AL, I sat on the porch and put my bare feet in the straw-like grass and journaled, which was productive. Late morning, my mother-in-law, hubby and I walked on a trail close to the high school.  It was fun to be on the trail that my MIL and other locals use.  One sweet part of vacation is exploring the location your loved ones are “stationed” in for the time.

That evening, we watched a partial episode of I Love Zombies and a few episodes of Me, You, and the Apocalypse—interesting choices for my MIL’s generation, hubby and I thought since the characters are 20-30 somethings. And we ate Chantilly cake—I thought I was a Chantilly-cake virgin, but it tasted delightfully familiar.  I hope to become much more familiar with Chantilly cake in the future by baking and eating.

Day 2, we were a bit more touristy. We drove to Guntersville State Park to hike.  The drive was longer than we thought it would be, and the car was more cramped than we thought it would be, but the conversations were more in-depth than they had been up to this point—so that evens the score out. My MIL and I peeked in the vacant chalets (cabins), which were so cute, I started to fantasize staying in one.

We could not escape without talking about the presidential election—to be fair, my hubby brought it up, and though I’m not near as informed as I’d like to be, I was interested in hearing the conversation.

We rounded the trip out with between 8 & 10 rounds of Love Letter—a simple card game where the goal is to get your “love letter” to the princess without being trumped by different characters (each on a separate card). Hence, me, the hubby and parents in connected one last time before the trip home.

Little did I know that my husband was going to wake up super early this morning—4:00 am, be packed super early—5 am, and want to get on the road. Waking up early and trying to get moving wasn’t so sweet. The sunrise was pink and gold and gorgeous, though, and the drive was uneventful, so that was, you guessed it: sweet.

How do you typically travel? Fly? Drive? Do you love visiting friends and family and exploring where they live? Do you enjoy playing card games with family? Tell me about your latest road trip.



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