Future Plans Uncategorized

Responsibility Reference Sheet

Info I give students when discussing my role in the classroom:
Because I struggle with wanting to “help” students too much, I created this chart.  It’s useful to me; if you’re unclear about my expectations, looking at this may be useful to you too.

What teachers need to do
(teacher responsibilities)
What students need to do (student responsibilities)
Create assignments and activities that he/she thinks will help students learn
Have realistic (but challenging) expectations for students
Make expectations for students clear
Provide a safe, comfortable, intellectual environment
Provide students opportunity to go above teacher when students seem to want or need that option
Tell students how to work technology; encourage them to test it
Provide help to students who want it; let students know help is available
Refer students to support services when students need it or seem to want it
Follow HCC guidelines
Offer genuine praise when student is doing well
Respond to student work in a clear, respectful way
Show students how to find info when they ask for it
Complete assignments to the best of their ability
Read assignments
Ask questions when they do not understand/agree with expectations
Ask questions when they do not understand a concept, assignment, activity, etc.
Obtain the appropriate materials for class; bring appropriate materials to class
Test the technology before major assignments are due
Students need to be willing and have the ability to get help (make it to a conference, give a phone call, etc.)
Students need to seek out support when they need it; the teacher can’t go to the tutor for the student
Follow college guidelines
Contribute to class meaningfully
Make it to class on time
Set aside time for and ask for help researching



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